Webmaster Resources
These are some websites that I used to make mine that I think others might find useful!
- W3Schools: coding tutorials!
- stackoverflow: questions about coding. any question you have is probably already asked and answered here!
- sadgrl.online: dear old sadgrl, everyone in the indie web knows her i guess but i really wanted to add her still. layout builder (the one i used), some tutorials, a bunch of things. my favorite is the ideas generator!
- teppy's layouts & tips: what the name says!
- filegarden: completely free filehoster! (for some reason though, uploading a .tff or .otf file and using @font-face doesn't seem to work).
- ezgif: image and gif editing, compressing, converting, etc.
- iloveimg: image editing.
- remove.bg: what the name says, remove background from fake png's.
- cssmatic: css tools, like shadow generators.
- extract.pics: extract images from any website (if it's a site you have to log into it only gets it from the main page, though... now that i type it i sounds obvious but i tried to do it lol).
- falling objects: not a website, but the code for the little stars/whatever falling in the background that some people have.
- cho.mayulog: japanese website with cute png images of paper, paperclips, pins, flowers, etc.
- cooltext: generate text images with cool effects and fonts.
- coolsymbol: copy and paste symbols
- Gifcities: search for gifs from actual old websites from the Internet Archive (the searching itself is a bit cluncky, might see things you weren't looking for).
- Betty's Graphics: a huge collection of actual old web graphics and backgrounds.
- fluffmoth's id buttons: those little buttons with pronouns and flags and stuff that everyone's always asking what their name is.
- pixels.crd: a bunch of tiny pixels.
- cursors-4u: custom cursors that you can easily add to your website or download for your computer!
- rw-designer's cursor library: ok this website doesn't actually have the option to add their cursors to your website like cursors 4u but i felt like adding it here because it has really cool cursor sets for your computer. the website also has other things like icons.